Once upon a time.. an uncle from western come to Malaysia.. let say.. his name is Josh.. he walked and walked and walked.. and he found a nice and beautiful village.. it's so peaceful there and he love the calm situation.. suddenly something evil came into his mind.. "eh.. y not i take over this village.. then i can b a rich man here"..
When his evil mind were talking, he bumped onto a malay guy.. he was about to go out to the sea.. Josh was like =.=" when he saw that guy just use small sampan and paddle to go fishing in the vast sea as if the sea is just a small pool for that malay guy.. then, josh walked again.. this time he saw a middle age man building a house, without a plan nor nail, and he's doing it alone! Fear started to struck josh's heart.. he's thinking "wth with all these people? are they superhuman or what? Like this i cannot conquer them easily.."
Suddenly he saw a quite young guy.. he was about to climb a coconut tree, so, he kinda interested.. and therefore, a conversation occured.. ( i have to translate it to english.. dun ask me y a malay guy know english at this age, maybe he's just too great and already learn foreign language that time)
Josh : what r u doing young man?
Malay guy : I'm about to climb this coconut tree, by the way, call me Mat Jenin
Josh : *ashamed* i'm Josh, i came from Britain and would u pls tell me y would u climb that coconut tree?
Mat Jenin(MJ) : I'll get the coconut and sell it of course..
Josh : Then? What would u do with the money?
MJ : Well, since u look so interested, i would tell u my plan. I will sell the coconut and with that money, i will buy some chicks and when it grow up, i will sell it at the market. With that money, i will buy a goat and i will sell the goat milk and meat. With that money, i will buy cows and sooner or later, the number will multiply and i will be a rich man!! When i become a rich man, i will marry the beautiful princess!
Josh : *in heart* "Omg.. these people really are special one, i need to cut the bud before they grow and become a strong tree"
After that, Josh went around, telling a tale of Mat Jenin who dream big but he fall down from the coconut tree, although the real story is direct opposite where Mat Jenin actually become a successful one. One man succeed, but many others believed that NEVER DREAM BIG because you'll never achieve it..
Come on la.. If u never dream big, how will u act big? hope on luck? pray hard to god? God also said he won't help u if u dont wanna help urself.. so, start to DREAM BIG, ACT BIG, PLAY BIG
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dreaming Is NOT WRONG!!!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life Lesson
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Lost a Candy, I Get a Chocolat Bar
Yesterday i went out at evening, around 3 pm to check out how to go to Carrefour(K4) Sri Petaling.. well, im gonna work there this weekend.. While i'm on bus, i called Elvin, my supervisor about the Nural project and we confirm the deal. Not long after that, he called again and said the Nural project is only for girls!!! OMG! but he kind enough to give me another project, that is Nescafe.. WOW! I wanted to wear Nescafe costume so BADLY!!!
I reached K4.. n i went to guardian to buy shampoo.. somehow it doesn't feel right to buy from there so, i went out and go ahead to Watson.. and yeah, i made the right choice, there's 15% discount from Watson! After that, i just loitered around, i think this k4 is not much difference from Kemaman Centre point, honestly.
I remember when i took the T421 bus, the last stop was LRT Sri Petaling, so, when i went out, i took another bus that goes on same direction. When i reached the LRT station, i saw the T421 bus was on another side of the road but i can't cross it cos the road was busy.. and the bus already jalan when i cross it... AH!!! so du lan!!
But i keep said to myself, everything happen to me is god's will, there must something he want to show me..
So, i called my Demo Power friend, Lily, and suprisingly, she picked up the phone and we made a rough deal to meet up. Thank God! So, when i was waiting stupidly at the bus stop, i do what i usually do.. READING EVERYTHING I CAN READ around.. from room-to-let advertisement until wanna-make-big-bucks? Suddenly, my eyes catched a simple word but give me quite an impact.. it's MAHA!!! Thank God again! I might lost a bus but i get better things.
So, i ride on the bus.. and when i reached the expo, it's already 5.12 p.m.. it's so huge! i enter the main exhibition hall.. i think there's from A to D but i didn't have much time! So, i just go for the important stuff, cow, goat and eel. Walaowei.. goat and cow memang menguntungkan but im not interested in farming, but i only interested in BUSINESS. i took another way around, i ask them if there's a place for distributor and there is! but the cost.. walaowei.. i'm suprised of myself because i didn't feel suprise when i see the figures.. i have to spend at least rm 150k to start a business! Oh well, it's not like that is a large amount, right?
So, basically, if i just took the T421 bus, i might already lost the option of going to MAHA and founding all this opportunity. It's just because i missed a bus. Who knows what missing a bus can do to you? maybe changing your entire life?
The last but not least, this blog will be recording my life from now on. I'm on my way to be a successful entrepreneur.. I've read lotsa book about successful people but so little of them telling how hard they strive to get their wealth now. I hope my blog will can be a great reference for a future generation when i'm already standing up and high. Remember! in this world now..If You are Not Outstanding, You Will b Standing Out!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Event, Life Lesson
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dataran Shah Alam Event
Today i woke up really early, 4 a.m for one and only reason.. to reach dataran shah alam b4 8 a.m!
after i get prepared and everything, i went out at 5.15 n manage to reach d bus stop at 5.30 but the bus only arrive at 5.48.. haih.. i should meet my supervisor at 6.30 at majestic.. i doubted i can reach there.. but luckily.. i did!!.... and it was in front of times square!!! the stupid bus didn't lalu majestic le!!! (>_<) i have to call my supervisor and rearrange everything and we barely able to reach dataran shah alam at 7.15 a.m (after her car fuel habis in middle way).
Walaowei.. the NuGrow people already here.. they are my client ma.. but the demo power item still didn't sampai.. until 8.00 am le! but when they arrive.. i can see 'the rocketman'!!! a brand new 'rocketman'!!! and i'm the first to try it!
actually.. i too tired to blog.. no need write so long la.. haha.. the conclusion is.. it was fun... mixing d concoction.. wow.. giving milk to children.. wow! giving children milk to PARENTS WOOWWW!!!!! it's very a satisfying experience.. i wanna buy a digicam so i can put the picture here (>_<)
Posted by IFTiTaH at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Demo Power, Event
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Mummy 3

The Mummy 3.. the trailer look promising, with a fresh idea about teracotta soldiers being mummies.. however.. overall.. the movie failed to fulfill my expectation!! It sucks big time!! I was wondering, y the hell that mummy guy didn't go and find that shangri-la water while he reign? and suddenly after he revived from being mummy, he know about it.. it really turn me off!
The next thing is.. UNDEAD can be killed with GUNS????? WTH!!!! and only with few people against a whole battalions??? this pengarah har.. really shud die la.. waste my money only.. should ask the last director come back.. i really beh tahan this stupid director...
No need watch this stupid movie la.. waste ur time only.. mmg really ... mengecewakan.. u go watch batman better, at least can make u feel crazy like the JOKER XD
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:31 PM 0 comments