Monday, March 3, 2008

My program to Astro which been suspended by the University cos of d election really put some more problem into my already-messed-up-mind. I have to call all d company, apologize to them and reset the date for the program. This is d critical part.. Jaring cant afford to entertain us on the day we selected but Mimos already agreed. The student also reject the idea of changing the date.

The problem is, we will have a lot of spare time during d program, which is not a good stuff. I'll pray hard so we could contact Astro tomorrow (we cant contact them today) and have them cover the empty slot in da morning (i wish they could support d lunch too :p ). This mean i might have to terminate Jaring from the list we're going. *sigh* I hope Iris will give a positive answer, we would like them to fill in the empty slot in the evening. just another 1 hour and half would do (-_-).

Then today, in da evening, while i was on da way to gym, i slipped and spraint my ankle.. duhhh~~~ so many bad stuff happening to me..i hope god will reward me with super luck for all these trouble.. wuuuu.. i say like this to god, He sure send me to hell ... anyway, stuff happened, i will just move on... luckily my gf is rite der beside me, HoHo.. i'm so lucky to have her :p