When i really miss RO, a fren of mine ask me to join this server, it was made by players from the old pk server..
At 1st, i was hesitated but then, i give it a try..
1st step.. to download it.. argh.. the 1.4 gb file took me 7 hours.. but twice failed, that make it total of 18 hours.. long enough to stop me from playing.. but still, i tried for the last time and it happened to finish..
So.. Now i'm back to RO.
later only update
wan go play back
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ragnarok Online : Ex-Pk Server
Posted by IFTiTaH at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Part 1
Seorang pemuda yang miskin tinggal bersama seekor lembu peninggalan bapanya,kehidupannya amat daif sehinggakan nak makan pun susah.pada satu hari pemuda ni mendapat idea lalu membawa lembunya pergi ke bandar.tiba di bandar pemuda itu mula menjerit :
"sesiapa yang berjaya membuat lembu aku ni duduk aku akan bg hadiah RM1 juta,tapi kalau tidak berjaya akan didenda RM100!!!"
datang la orang ramai berpusu-pusu untuk mencuba nasib,dari yang kecik ke yg tua,yg kurus ke yang gemuk,yang lembik ke yang gagah tetapi semua x berjaya. pendapatan si pemuda ni semakin baik dari hari ke hari,dan dia berjaya mengumpul RM1 juta sehingga datang la seorang panglima yang perkasa cuba mendudukkan lembu tersebut, di hentaknya lembu tu,diterajang kakinya,ditarik supaya jatuh tetapi lembu tu tetap x nak duduk..
selepas panglima tu try datang plak sorang budak kecik nak cuba duduk kan lembu tu. semua orang gelakkan budak kecik ni, "panglima yg gagah ni pun x boleh nak dudukkan lembu ni,ko yang kecik ni plak nak dudukkan lembu ni, apa lg g la try?"kata pemuda kepada budak kecik tu.
budak kecik ni pun pusing keliling macam cari sesuatu kat lembu tu,pastu tetiba je lembu tu duduk dengan keempat2 kaki terlipat. orang ramai mula rasa pelik macam mana budak ni boleh dudukkan lembu tu,dengan selamber budak tu jawab :
"lembu ni kan lembu jantan,aku jentik je telur dia sampai senak tu yang terduduk tu!!!!"
Part 2
setelah kehilangan duit RM 1 juta kat budak kecik tu,pemuda ni rasa x puas hati,nak disqualified x boleh sebab dia x nyatakan undang2 x boleh jentik telur,
dia pun mencari idea nak kumpul balik duit RM1 juta.pemuda tu g bandar lg kali ni dia menjerit :
"sesiapa yang dapat membuat lembu aku ni geleng kepala aku bg RM 1 juta,tapi kalau tidak berjaya akan didenda RM100!!!"
orang ramai yang dengar pun cuba nasib lagi kali ni,tapi semua x berjaya gak.dapat la lg pemuda ni kumpul RM1 juta,dalam tu panglima yg gagah tu pun x puas hati coz kalah ngan budak kecik,dia pun try lagi,di tariknya tanduk lembu tu,x geleng gak,ditarik telinga lembu tu,x geleng gak, akhirnya dia give up.
budak kecik yang dah kaya ni pun datang lg nak try,"kali ni nak gelengkan kepala lembu pulak,macam mana ko nak wat,ko jentik telur dia lg pun x guna,hahahahaha" kata pemuda tu kat budak kecik tu.
macam biasa,budak kecik ni pun pusing keliling lembu tu pastu g kat kepala lembu tu,tetiba je lembu tu geleng kepala macam lembu gila.pemuda tu pun naik heran, " apa yang ko wat ngan lembu aklu?" tanya pemuda tu lg
sekali lg dengan selamber budak tu jawab "aku tanya lembu tu nak kena jentik kat telur lagi ke x?"
Part 3
pastu pemuda tu dapat satu lagi idea. dia ke bandar lagi sekali dgn lembu dia dan macam biasa dia menjerit :
'siapa yg dapat membuatkan lembu aku ketawa, akan mendapat 1 juta, tp kalau tak berjaya kena bayar 100'
dan mcm biasa ramailah yg try tapi tak berjaya sampai dia dpt kumpul 1 juta
last2 dtglah budak kecik ni balik. pemuda tadi cukup yakin yg kali ni budak ni mesti tak berjaya dan dia akan dpt menyimpan duit 1 juta tu
budak tu dgn selamba pergi mendapatkan lembu tu lalu membisikkan sesuatu di telinganya. tak semena2, lembu tu ketawa terguling2
pemuda ni dah tak tahan terus menengking budak tu :
'budak tak guna. lagi2 kau lagi2 kau, kali ni apa pulak yg kau dah buat?'
dgn selamba budak tu menjawap :
'tak de apa. aku cuma cakap kat lembu tu konek aku lagi panjang dr konek dia'
Posted by IFTiTaH at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
so boring..
My life os boring now.. nothing seems intesting.. why it happened... i need soemthing to colour my life back.. gos, pls help me T^T
Posted by IFTiTaH at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I miss ro..
I MISS RO!!! last time everyday play until sien.. but nowadays i miss it so badly.. i wanna play back my ro.. i miss my godly sniper...i miss every1 in ro.. sob T^T
Posted by IFTiTaH at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Control vs. Chaos
My life recently been in total chaos, Gf problems, friend problems, money problems.. i thought it was because god abandon me.. omg! i'm sorry god, i din know actually u r trying to tell me "if u cant take this challage, u cant afford to face greater challange as businessman!".. i'm so so sorry god.. i've been a bad follower...
Actually, this is wat happened.. .... .... once upon a time.... ok, jk, actually everytime i face a problem, i would sit at quiet and dark place, thinking and try to sort out my problems. Usually i will write the problem onto a piece of paper and sort it out. After i transfer all my problems on that paper, i realise something.. i was lack of self control! No wonder my life turn out miserable XD
Back to the story, last night, i couldn't sleep, i was thinking a way to solve all this problem. And that's when i realise messages that god send to me through the problems.. >_<>
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
GoD, What R u Trying To Say?
My life sucks, the people from HCISB keep delaying my paperwork. How am i going to find rm 150k without a proper paperwork? I wasted 5 days of waiting
My gf, lily, is another story, she's been gone for, let say, 4 days? although i understand she never really like to reply sms but didnt answer me for 4 days straight n not picking up my call?? wat the fuck?
Fuck this and fuck that. i would like to say fuck everything but since there's still some things nice, i cant say it.
Give me a break. I need to cool down.. fasting make it even harder for me to control my emotion.. wth.. my self control reduce from 99% to 80% now. FcUk ID!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Long Awaited Call
This morning i was still sleeping, and suddenly my phone rang. There's unknown number on the screen, nevertheless, i pick it up. It's Dr. Rasyid from HCISB. Omg! my dream is one step further now. the long awaited call from HCISB is here.. now it's time to go more than all out! Go Iftitah go! Don't do this half assed! Do your best!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Life
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dreaming Is NOT WRONG!!!
Once upon a time.. an uncle from western come to Malaysia.. let say.. his name is Josh.. he walked and walked and walked.. and he found a nice and beautiful village.. it's so peaceful there and he love the calm situation.. suddenly something evil came into his mind.. "eh.. y not i take over this village.. then i can b a rich man here"..
When his evil mind were talking, he bumped onto a malay guy.. he was about to go out to the sea.. Josh was like =.=" when he saw that guy just use small sampan and paddle to go fishing in the vast sea as if the sea is just a small pool for that malay guy.. then, josh walked again.. this time he saw a middle age man building a house, without a plan nor nail, and he's doing it alone! Fear started to struck josh's heart.. he's thinking "wth with all these people? are they superhuman or what? Like this i cannot conquer them easily.."
Suddenly he saw a quite young guy.. he was about to climb a coconut tree, so, he kinda interested.. and therefore, a conversation occured.. ( i have to translate it to english.. dun ask me y a malay guy know english at this age, maybe he's just too great and already learn foreign language that time)
Josh : what r u doing young man?
Malay guy : I'm about to climb this coconut tree, by the way, call me Mat Jenin
Josh : *ashamed* i'm Josh, i came from Britain and would u pls tell me y would u climb that coconut tree?
Mat Jenin(MJ) : I'll get the coconut and sell it of course..
Josh : Then? What would u do with the money?
MJ : Well, since u look so interested, i would tell u my plan. I will sell the coconut and with that money, i will buy some chicks and when it grow up, i will sell it at the market. With that money, i will buy a goat and i will sell the goat milk and meat. With that money, i will buy cows and sooner or later, the number will multiply and i will be a rich man!! When i become a rich man, i will marry the beautiful princess!
Josh : *in heart* "Omg.. these people really are special one, i need to cut the bud before they grow and become a strong tree"
After that, Josh went around, telling a tale of Mat Jenin who dream big but he fall down from the coconut tree, although the real story is direct opposite where Mat Jenin actually become a successful one. One man succeed, but many others believed that NEVER DREAM BIG because you'll never achieve it..
Come on la.. If u never dream big, how will u act big? hope on luck? pray hard to god? God also said he won't help u if u dont wanna help urself.. so, start to DREAM BIG, ACT BIG, PLAY BIG
Posted by IFTiTaH at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Life Lesson
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Lost a Candy, I Get a Chocolat Bar
Yesterday i went out at evening, around 3 pm to check out how to go to Carrefour(K4) Sri Petaling.. well, im gonna work there this weekend.. While i'm on bus, i called Elvin, my supervisor about the Nural project and we confirm the deal. Not long after that, he called again and said the Nural project is only for girls!!! OMG! but he kind enough to give me another project, that is Nescafe.. WOW! I wanted to wear Nescafe costume so BADLY!!!
I reached K4.. n i went to guardian to buy shampoo.. somehow it doesn't feel right to buy from there so, i went out and go ahead to Watson.. and yeah, i made the right choice, there's 15% discount from Watson! After that, i just loitered around, i think this k4 is not much difference from Kemaman Centre point, honestly.
I remember when i took the T421 bus, the last stop was LRT Sri Petaling, so, when i went out, i took another bus that goes on same direction. When i reached the LRT station, i saw the T421 bus was on another side of the road but i can't cross it cos the road was busy.. and the bus already jalan when i cross it... AH!!! so du lan!!
But i keep said to myself, everything happen to me is god's will, there must something he want to show me..
So, i called my Demo Power friend, Lily, and suprisingly, she picked up the phone and we made a rough deal to meet up. Thank God! So, when i was waiting stupidly at the bus stop, i do what i usually do.. READING EVERYTHING I CAN READ around.. from room-to-let advertisement until wanna-make-big-bucks? Suddenly, my eyes catched a simple word but give me quite an impact.. it's MAHA!!! Thank God again! I might lost a bus but i get better things.
So, i ride on the bus.. and when i reached the expo, it's already 5.12 p.m.. it's so huge! i enter the main exhibition hall.. i think there's from A to D but i didn't have much time! So, i just go for the important stuff, cow, goat and eel. Walaowei.. goat and cow memang menguntungkan but im not interested in farming, but i only interested in BUSINESS. i took another way around, i ask them if there's a place for distributor and there is! but the cost.. walaowei.. i'm suprised of myself because i didn't feel suprise when i see the figures.. i have to spend at least rm 150k to start a business! Oh well, it's not like that is a large amount, right?
So, basically, if i just took the T421 bus, i might already lost the option of going to MAHA and founding all this opportunity. It's just because i missed a bus. Who knows what missing a bus can do to you? maybe changing your entire life?
The last but not least, this blog will be recording my life from now on. I'm on my way to be a successful entrepreneur.. I've read lotsa book about successful people but so little of them telling how hard they strive to get their wealth now. I hope my blog will can be a great reference for a future generation when i'm already standing up and high. Remember! in this world now..If You are Not Outstanding, You Will b Standing Out!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Event, Life Lesson
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dataran Shah Alam Event
Today i woke up really early, 4 a.m for one and only reason.. to reach dataran shah alam b4 8 a.m!
after i get prepared and everything, i went out at 5.15 n manage to reach d bus stop at 5.30 but the bus only arrive at 5.48.. haih.. i should meet my supervisor at 6.30 at majestic.. i doubted i can reach there.. but luckily.. i did!!.... and it was in front of times square!!! the stupid bus didn't lalu majestic le!!! (>_<) i have to call my supervisor and rearrange everything and we barely able to reach dataran shah alam at 7.15 a.m (after her car fuel habis in middle way).
Walaowei.. the NuGrow people already here.. they are my client ma.. but the demo power item still didn't sampai.. until 8.00 am le! but when they arrive.. i can see 'the rocketman'!!! a brand new 'rocketman'!!! and i'm the first to try it!
actually.. i too tired to blog.. no need write so long la.. haha.. the conclusion is.. it was fun... mixing d concoction.. wow.. giving milk to children.. wow! giving children milk to PARENTS WOOWWW!!!!! it's very a satisfying experience.. i wanna buy a digicam so i can put the picture here (>_<)
Posted by IFTiTaH at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Demo Power, Event
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Mummy 3

The Mummy 3.. the trailer look promising, with a fresh idea about teracotta soldiers being mummies.. however.. overall.. the movie failed to fulfill my expectation!! It sucks big time!! I was wondering, y the hell that mummy guy didn't go and find that shangri-la water while he reign? and suddenly after he revived from being mummy, he know about it.. it really turn me off!
The next thing is.. UNDEAD can be killed with GUNS????? WTH!!!! and only with few people against a whole battalions??? this pengarah har.. really shud die la.. waste my money only.. should ask the last director come back.. i really beh tahan this stupid director...
No need watch this stupid movie la.. waste ur time only.. mmg really ... mengecewakan.. u go watch batman better, at least can make u feel crazy like the JOKER XD
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Complicated Vs Simple Minded
In a business, being simple minded is great because we plan and straight work out the plan. However, being complicated have the opposite effects, people with this kind of thinking always think negatively about the result.. they will keep thinking again and again and again, until the negative image embedded int heir head and therefore, they don't dare to take the risk. The time they took just to scared themselves is surely wasted too..
Here's an example, if you are in a competition and there's 2 people who have to put worm into their mouth, lets say its A and B person. A person is a simple minded, he did not think of anything and straight away put the worm into his mouth.. and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in a blink of an eye, no hard feelings. B person.. keep thinking "omg... worms.. so disgusting..wan eat o not".. the longer s/he thinks, the longer s/he scaring himself.. and in the end.. 90% chance are s/he wont eat it.
I'm not saying being complicated is bad, but actually, there's a fine line between "precautions" and "complicating stuff". taking precaution means you are aware of the result, juggling between the best and worst case scenario and choose the best route to get the best result. Complicating stuff is rarely a good choice ( I'm not saying its the worst choice but in most situation, it is) because you thought you are looking at both good and bad results but actually, you are more concern about getting the worst results. The more and more you think about it, the more you get discourages to do it.
For the final words, which person are you? The simple minded? the complicated? or the type that strive to get the best results? Whichever the answer is.. it's you who control your life, you choose to be who you are.. and what you want to be!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Malaysian : New Attitude Revolution
Watching the tv, made me think of something, why everybody wants the government to support them? Are we too weak to support ourselves? Everybody whining and nagging about oil and food price skyrocketing in the last few months. Why are we wasting our time and energy for blaming others when we can use that resources to enhance our wallet thickness (with money of course).
We, Malaysian, are synonym with 4 C's
C... (i forgot the last C)
This is the reason why we can never be on top. While we are blaming others, there are some people out there use their time looking for opportunity, therefore, making them richer and richer. In this world population, only 5% from mankind is this type of people, that's why they always stands on top and the other 95% will continue to serve them for their entire life (unless they are willing to change their attitude and work for it).
I'm not going to be rich alone, i will open the same opportunity to my friends, i will bring them to the place where we LEARN to be HUMAN. I will open the door, i will even holds their hand for them to walk through the door that leads to their dreams but its up to them either to walk through it and succeed or ignore my offer and live your ordinary life. I'm not saying ordinary life is wrong but what is so great for barely able to pay your bills every months, your money is just enough for your family expenditure and no saving at all.. let alone doing charity.. thats why i want all my friends to be rich! So we can be rich together, and enjoy our life together! I will come to you, sooner or later, but if you are interested to know HOW, feel free to come to me first.. after all, those people who succeed, are people who LOOK for OPPORTUNITY and WORK at it
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Don't Judge D Book By Its Cover
This morning i went out, buying a 3 quarter pants with affordable price, it look quite cool n its just fit me nicely.. however, if i manage to get a better cut on my waist, it gonna b a lot better (^_^)
Right after that, i went to d market n do groceries before i went to repair my shoes. That man, in his red old rags.. sitting on a small chair with his tools.. waiting patiently for costumers. i step up onto him and wanted to ask him if he could repair my shoes. However, before i could reach him, there's another family get his services first. Then they went to nearby restaurant and enjoyed their delicious lunch as i sat there, beside the shoe maker.
I waited.. and waited.. d magazine i was holding surely get bored of my face because i keep re-read them all over again. Not to mention i am extremely sleepy by that time but i couldn't sleep because of the circumstances. And there they go, i waited until about an hour just to repair my shoes.. omg! i was totally pissed off because he wasted an hour of my time!
When he finally touch my sneakers, i talked to him caused i am interested when he mention about "business" to the last costumer. Shock me not, the way he talked is very convincing, although he did only barely finished his primary school but i bet if he dressed up like a corporate person, nobody will know he is just a shoe maker.
What interest me more was the later, he said that nobody will be poor if they have business because the main objective of a business is to get profit. However, they are some people who went bankrupt but that is merely because of two reason. First, they did NOT choose a right path to keep their business in check and second, it's god's will.
When i asked him about the fuel price keep increasing, does it would affect the business? He just smiled and said, it would affect the business and profit, that is why we have to increase our sales. And to increase our sales, it's just the matter of price and volume. Okay, fair enough, why would someone with his level of knowledge sat there, repairing other people shoes? The answer is.. it's merely a time killer.. in a day, he would be there about three to four hours and accumulated time in a month is around 120 hours but he can get more than rm 1k per month just for 120 hours of work. Aside from that, he do have side business which is ran by his children.. i was like (=_=")
Heck, if business could be this easy, then why should we work for others? THINK ABOUT IT
Posted by IFTiTaH at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Teka-Teki Imam Ghazali
Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya (Teka Teki ) :
Imam Ghazali = " Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?
Murid 1 = " Orang tua "
Murid 2 = " Guru "
Murid 3 = " Teman "
Murid 4 = " Kaum kerabat "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI . Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran :185).
Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini ?" m
Murid 1 = " Negeri Cina "
Murid 2 = " Bulan "
Murid 3 = " Matahari "
Murid 4 = " Bintang-bintang "
Iman Ghazali = " Semua jawaban itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU . Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama".
Iman Ghazali = " Apa yang paling besar didunia ini ?"
Murid 1 = " Gunung "
Murid 2 = " Matahari "
Murid 3 = " Bumi "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A'raf: 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."
IMAM GHAZALI" Apa yang paling berat didunia? "
Murid 1 = " Baja "
Murid 2 = " Besi "
Murid 3 = " Gajah "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."
Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini ?"
Murid 1 = " Kapas"
Murid 2 = " Angin "
Murid 3 = " Debu "
Murid 4 = " Daun-daun"
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT . Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat "
Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini? "
Murid- Murid dengan serentak menjawab = " Pedang "
Imam Ghazali = " Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA . Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri "
"sampaikanlah walau satu ayat"..
Posted by IFTiTaH at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Exam Month
Its EXAM month.. and my frens from tarc all back to Kemamab.b.. (T^T) i wanna go back too...
p/s: Yanz, I ENVY U!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sin and Sinner
The sky was clear, everything is set. I stepped out from my room to go to my grandma house. There's several equipment i need to return after my camp. Everything look the same, the UTM buildings, the sky, the traffic and everything. However, my heart feel so unrest. There's something missing, something is not right.. but what is it? I reached the bus stop, ders several girls there, but i dun care although they speak quite loud. There's something bigger i need to settle, something that puzzled in my heart.
After i bought my bus ticket, i saw a crazy person. He kept smiling although he's insane, is he happy to live that way? Although i looked at him with "eww" in my mind, but i still gave a second thought about wat defines happiness. i took that chance to look deep inside myself, what is the reason for my un-easy-ness. I did found a clue but yet an answer.. it was my own restriction..
I went up another bus, this time, rapidkl. I sat down on d chair, and try to relax myself.. until my eyes suddenly catched a figure of old chinese lady.. i wonder why nobody offered their seat to her? She must b in vain now.. so, i decided to give up my seat and let her have it. Just after she sat down, i felt like i have done d right thing, my heart jumped for joy. And when i heard she said "thank you", it feels better than someone gave you rm 1000 for free.
When i stood up, i could clearly see everything happened in that bus, from some couples in school uniform flirting in d back of d bus to the small kids on their moms lap. Those kids was so innocent. Their eyes sparkled like jewels, it reminds me of myself when i was young.. however, my eyes now have a dark look, it didn't shine.. i wonder why.. is it because i am a sinner? this is when i remember everything bad i did in the past, the flashback happened not more than a few seconds but it feels like a few minutes. I know why i feel unrest now.. it is because i'm acting in a different way than my normal self.. for that i have found the answer, i feel a lot at ease..
I took a closer look into a boy eyes, there's nothing evil there, i could feels sincerity and pureness from him. i could let my guard down for a while. Seriously, when i'm living in this world, i have to keep my guards on although it really is tiring to do it. I just wish for a place that i could live happily and nothing to worry about but i guess it wont come true.. cos wherever there's prosperity, an evil entity want to have a piece of it too.. if i cant have it in d real world, at least i could have it in my self.
Posted by IFTiTaH at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Nothing To Say
I got exam next week.. and this weekend i'm going to a camp! XD
OMG! I'm tagged again XD but this timei will answer it, thankz to Yanz
Here's d stuff
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged
1. At what age do you wish to marry? - 25
2. Which football match do you wish to enjoy on spot? - Malaysia Vs Brazil
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? - Japan
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? - 10 more chance like this periodically every hour
5. Do you believe you can survive without money? - If i dont have, i'll just make some
6. What are you afraid to lose the most? - Islam
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? - Give my parent a quarter, Start my business with another quarter, another quarter as insurance for my business and save the last quarter
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? - Of cos, I'll gladly do it!
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? - i>>tall ii>>genius iii>> leng zhai!
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? - SeCreT~
11. Which type of person do you hate the most? - Betrayer, BackStabber, Promise-Breaker
12. What is your ambition? - Businessman, Investor
13. Which physical part of you would you change if u get a chance to go for plastic surgery? - I Wont Perform Plastic Surgery
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? - happiness
15. Are you a shopaholic or not? - nop, I am DOTAHOLIC!!
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change? - Over-Confident
17. Who is your favourite artist? - RaIHaN, LinKin PaRk
18. What's your weakest point? - forgetful
19. What's the thing that you're most proud of? - MySelf
20. How tall do you wanna be? - 175 cm
I would like to tag
mei shan
tatt hoong
Posted by IFTiTaH at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
weird day..
today i felt so weak.. i think i'm gonna have fever later, i have sore throat now..urgh.. lotsa bad luck hit me lately T^T.. my gum feels itchy.. as if ders tooth growing.. but i already have enough teeth >_< i wonder why... maybe i need to pluck my last tooth out...
Haih haih... i spraint my ankle yesterday.. *sigh* but today i already can walk, so, no big deal i guess :p i skipped d morning class again.. urgh .. university life is plain n boring.. high school life is way more funkier than now.. is there any company wanna hire me to become their barista? coffe bean? or starbuck maybe? i believe in my culinary school :p
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
My program to Astro which been suspended by the University cos of d election really put some more problem into my already-messed-up-mind. I have to call all d company, apologize to them and reset the date for the program. This is d critical part.. Jaring cant afford to entertain us on the day we selected but Mimos already agreed. The student also reject the idea of changing the date.
The problem is, we will have a lot of spare time during d program, which is not a good stuff. I'll pray hard so we could contact Astro tomorrow (we cant contact them today) and have them cover the empty slot in da morning (i wish they could support d lunch too :p ). This mean i might have to terminate Jaring from the list we're going. *sigh* I hope Iris will give a positive answer, we would like them to fill in the empty slot in the evening. just another 1 hour and half would do (-_-).
Then today, in da evening, while i was on da way to gym, i slipped and spraint my ankle.. duhhh~~~ so many bad stuff happening to me..i hope god will reward me with super luck for all these trouble.. wuuuu.. i say like this to god, He sure send me to hell ... anyway, stuff happened, i will just move on... luckily my gf is rite der beside me, HoHo.. i'm so lucky to have her :p
Posted by IFTiTaH at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Lotsa stuff happened in February.. and most of them is not a good thing.. i'm so down that i dun even bother to online or update my blog at all.. i'm really at the lowest point of my life now.. slowly trying to fix things up.. gathering all my strength back.. i need to keep on walking even though d path is filled with thorns n hardship. I pray d best for myself.
Posted by IFTiTaH at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Past, The Present, The Future
Wise man said, yesterday is the past, take it as experience, today is present, you have to live it to the fullest and tomorrow is future, it is still uncertain of what gonna happen.
The Past
All of us keep saying they have a dark past, i too, am not an exception.. and not many of us are willing to say "hey, my past is great!" although that is what we supposed to do. Human tends to remember the bad things better than the good things, do u still remember how u felt when our parent gave us our first present? no? We jump happily even when we get a couple of candy when we are still kids but we tends to forget that happiness.. What about when the first time our parents in crucial financial state and they have to cut back almost everything just to ensure we get something to eat? Because of that, we said we are having a dark past although it's our parents that suffers the most. How many of us ever put ourselves into their shoes?
See things as a whole, not just by pieces
The Future
WE WANT MONEY! more and more money! we want to buy everything! we don't want a big house, we want LARGE HOUSES, what's more do we want? branded merchandise?
Yes, this is what we dream of everyday, a wealthy and comfortable future with never-ending money to spend. However, there is 6 billions people on earth, if every person demands the very same things, that's far too much even for earth to handle, don't you think?
This world can satisfy our need but it can't satisfy our greed..some of us already realise this world nowadays is going in wrong direction, it leads to the world destruction. When we are still a teenager, we want a world peace, but when we grow up, we will act just like the adults, some of us will try to save the world and some of us will try to destroy it for some selfish reasons.
If you want proof, then please think about this. Do you still remember when you are a kid, having fight until you punch your friend but in just 5 minutes after that, you will ask forgiveness and play together again like nothing ever happen.. But now, when we have a fight, just to say "i'm sorry" is too hard, right?
We will becomes adult sooner or later and our way of thinking will change but it is important for us to remember our feelings and how we think when we are still a young kids and teenagers. We have to carve our path in the future, with tools we get from the past..
The present
It's today, how did we live our day? Some people start with sulking mood, some people start with great energy! a refreshing morning should not be ruined by having sour face, try to keep your smile and reminds yourself in your heart by saying "i'm feeling great, i'll do great work and today gonna be a great day!". With positive attitudes, not only we will do our work positively but we will have a positive results too!
Today is the bridge between yesterday and tomorrow, to make a better tomorrow, we have to make today better than yesterday first!
This is an example, yesterday i planned to go to theme park with my friends but if i didn't make a reservation for tickets by today, how are we gonna go there by tomorrow? are we gonna reserve the ticket tomorrow and go a day after that? We are not sure what gonna comes by tomorrow... so, live your "today" by the fullest and do everything(good) you have to do!
What you can do today, you can't do by tomorrow
Posted by IFTiTaH at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
12 Days..of suffering..last days is d best!
12 days since my last blog post.. i have almost no chance to update my blog.. last 3 days i was casted alongside other 90 student in Sg. Semuji Agro Resort in Pahang.. i wish i could post the photo i took when i was there.. It's totally hell over there, it's a mind-washing seminar that try to brain wash my way of thinking but it's not that easy to change me though :p
On the 1st day, it was nice.. we went through 5-hours-long journey just to get there and right after we arrived, we have to unpack our stuff, get change n bath in 30 minutes before going to the hall for the "long awaited opening ceremony speeches". Thank god.. they deliver the speeches in so many dialects including Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan.. lucky enough i could understand them cos i've a lot of fren from every state in Malaysia. However, i did saw a lot of students showing "????" faces.. haha XD
On the second day.. i mean on saturday.. it was hell.. a day starting from 6 am till 12.09 am.. filled with speeches, in-door activities, bla bla skills, and so many bla bla bla stuff.. i was sitting right at the front desk and therefore, i couldn't afford to sleep although god knows how sleepy i am during that period.. although a couple of the lectures is professional enough but the rest is so unproffessional! Even my high school teacher can persuade me better than them. i don't know what other student were thinking but as for me who was a PRS leader in my school, this camp is far from satisfaction, but they did one thing right, that is to feeeddddd us nicely with lotsa delicious food! I think i gain 2kg in 2 days though.. =X
On Sunday.. early in the morning.. 8 am.. we were divided into several group and went for an explorace! Good for my team, they picked me as the leader..i have to wear a really funny newspaper-made-bulletproof-vest and carry 3 chicken egg as the team life.. okay, i accepted and we go for our first task.. to find a metal box in Durian plantation area.. we had lost.. and wasted 30 minutes before going back on track but our team was behind 2 checkpoint from the leading team. Thanks to my teammate who were really good at team working, we manage to catch up to the other team and secure our place as "not the last place" when we reach the 4th check point because some group already lose their "eggs" while we still have all 3 of them.
Right after we found the 2nd checkpoint.. we have to make a theme for our team and sing the Sabah anthem.. i practice the "newly learn techniques from Tony Buzan book" and funnily, i could memorize the song in one go. After that, the facilitator ask us to make a "twinkle twinkle little star" song by using.. sound of toad, tiger and duck.. even though we succeed but he still mercilessly force us to across the river.. our clothes were all wet and my white shirt become yellow thanks to that XD but still, it doesn't stop us from moving forward!
On the 5th check point.. it started to rain and we have to make a set of wedding dress from newspaper.. lucky i am not the model cos i have to wear d sexy "bulletproof vest" :p the thing is.. we made a mini skirt and a tube for d girl and just a "tanjak" and "samping" for d guy. When we were halfway to finish this checpoint, the rain pouring heavily and those "wedding dress" become soggy and.. fell apart.. expecially d boy..so.. we tease them by saying "it's not even night yet, no need to undress so quickly" XD too bad bcos of the rain, the explorace was cancelled, therefore, there's no winner.. but i love this kind of activities.. hehe XD
Posted by IFTiTaH at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Japan : Updates
This programme finally get an approval and everything starting to move as it should be. Some of the candidates already manage to get a few thousands worth of sponsorship. It is a great news for a programme like this. We divides the students into several groups, which consist 4-6 peoples but the number are unstable because there's cases when the candidates resigned. That is a great thing because they know they won't be abe to help much and instead of dragging others, they resign. That is a wise decision and i respect them for that.
Today, we've called several companies and we did get several positive answers.. however, there's been a problem with our laserjet printer. So, our letter can't be print out and we have to take alternate routes by printing them using our own. When we were about to feel happy about how smooth things works, here comes another problem. We have to alter the letter from Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) and we're going to do it by tomorrow because several of our students going back to their hometown to get sponsorship this weekend.
Another main problem is, the Japan Room are not being used fully by our students, we provides internet connection as well as phone to make sure we have a good networking but there's only a few people using this room including me. Oh well.. i can say this room is pretty much like my own room already since i spend my time here more than i spend to sleep on my hard bed in my own room :p
Yesterday, we already received 100 copies of paperwork to be distributes among the students but sadly, only 20 copies are taken including mine. I hope things will change by next week or else we are going to list the name of those who need to be kick out first from this programme.
Posted by IFTiTaH at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Dot On A Plain Paper
Ever wonder what makes some people happy with their life although they have almost nothing? Ever wonder what makes some people unhappy with their life although they have almost everything? This question bugs me and i know a lot of other people out there are having the same question mark stuck in their head. We can assume the answer because each and every one of us have different perspective, so, the answer may vary and there's most likely there's no right or wrong answer.
I'm going to define this matter from my own perspective, it's up to you to accept it or reject it. The meaning of happiness doesn't lies on wealth, house, and many other things we thought it could give us happiness. For example, a poor man sleeping soundly in his house, enjoying his beauty sleep while the rich man couldn't close his eye, probably thinking how to settle his debt, or scared there's a robber going to come that night or probably thinking how to settle the problem in his company. This alone is enough to proof that with money, we can buy the most luxurious bed but we cannot buy the beauty of sleep.
Take a look around us, what is there? a table? chair? probably some clothes and books? okay, for the easiest example, your computer. Did you ever realise it's been there like so many years before? No? Yeah, that's because human being tends to forget what they already have and chase for thing they don't have. They did not value something they already have until they already lose it forever. Chasing something we don't possess is the same as when you are feeling thirsty, you drink some salty water from ocean. And of course, the more you drink, the thirsty-er you get.
I did not emphasize on staying where you are right now. It is fine to chase over something you don't have, go ahead, nobody will say "you can't do this" or "you can't do that" to you. It's your life and live it the way that you won't regret it in 10 or 20 years from now. Everybody wants a better life, i too, not an exception but to live a wealthy life when i have to pay my happiness for that is too much for a price. However, to live a life without wealth is not a guarantee that you will feel happy because the world these days speak in the languange of money. To find the golden mean between the wealth and happiness, is not an easy task but slowly and steadily, we will get it if we put our effort.
Posted by IFTiTaH at 2:16 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Life is Like a Cup of Water
A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer. The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.
When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke:"If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups.Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy the water in it."
Posted by IFTiTaH at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
cRAPping ><
It's been a really long time since the last time i crapping with my frens yo! :p Sometimes, remembering back the past when i was in secondary school gave me nostalgic feelings, i had a really cheerful life~ no stress (there is but just SPM, that could be waived, hehe), no need chase time, no need submit projects, paperwork or assignment... just some cincai made notebook =X There's one time my biology teacher... urm.. i forgot her name.. she collected all the notebook in da class and i mean ALL, which means mine too... i had a baaaaddd feelings about it but i still submitted my biology notebook though.
Okay, the next week, i felt like skipping school.. yeah.. i skipped school and enjoyed my DOTA game and pawned some noobs in Blueserver3, it was a really fine day for me and I enjoyed it until the next day... the truth is out there (stolen from X-files) sooooo...when i came to school... Yanz told me that... on the day i skipped schools, In da biology class.. the biology teacher returned all the notebook while complimenting (read commenting) on them... i was nominated as.. JUMP KING!! and she showed my notebook to the class, which is done perfectly( read poorly) by jumping pages and topics... hahaha XD
The next thing was my chemistry teacher... he was soooo funny to the max!! But at the same time.. when his mood swing 180 degree, he could be a total wicked sick! He pawned us good with some tasty jokes that make us laughed our heart out. I still remember when yanz and me always imitated his style at the back of the class because it was so funny! But the other time when his mood really bad.. the whole class shivering cos scared.. and even i failed to settle a chemical equation that usually could b done with an eye closed! and my classmate, Hazwani, she get scolded nicely because she didn't get that he's been telling that hidrochloric acid is a catalyst!!!
Overall, i still think my high school life is the best part of my life until now.. if i can turn back the time, i wanna get back to my high school life! It's very enjoying to the max!
Posted by IFTiTaH at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Leadership Fragment
In our humble life, there's always times when the situation force us to make decision for a group of people, when the others just lied back and relax. They loves to follow other people decision and waited until somebody say "i wanna do this" or "i'm gonna do that". These kind of people are normal and there's a lot of them around us. Everyday, we can have fun with them, there's no problem at all but when it comes to solving a critical problem.. that's is when YOU have to take the lead when others refusing to take it.
However, mostly, in reality, a group of people will choose the most POPULAR person as the leader and that person will pass his responsibility to the B person that he HATE the most in that group. To make things worst, that B person will give his post to C person, which is anonymous guy in that group. That is one of the major reason why a group failed to show their true potential, because they do not posses a strong leadership!
To avoid this kind of situation from happening, You have to play your cards well, either you want to totally oppose the leader and take this chair or to be the mastermind behind a puppet show. Whichever the path you pick will put yourself into a lot of trouble but hang in there, there's no free lunch in this world.OPPOSING THE LEADER
This is indeed a very risky way because there might be dissatisfaction between team members later on but with some good moves, it could save your team from breaking up.
When the leader is totally passive and unable to make make a resolve over a decision, not only once but twice or more.. This is the signal for you to take over his place because he will only get in the way for your team to walk along the path of achievement. You shouldn't take this action if the leader is active and loud because there's other way to handle them.
To steal the throne of the king, you need to cut down his henchmen first. Talk to your team one by one and tell them that you can do better than him, this is called "planting a seed". Trust me, planting a seed is important for you to get your team support later. After done with this phase, move to second phase which is to cut down the king and takeover his throne. Speak to him softly to pass his position to you in front other teammembers, there might be a little debate but not much of a fight because he is passive, which is one of the reason for you to act at the first place.
When you get the throne, make sure your team is working as a TEAM! There are some people who loves to do things alone for various reason and there's others that unable to speak out their opinion at all although sometimes they have a great idea that might turn the opposite side winning! There's some people who love to talk all the time and knows no "." in their lines while some maybe too arrogant to listen to the team.
You have to tackle this situation nicely, after a careful planning the strategy for the team, give the "do things alone" guy a spesific job that only HE will do but make sure to check up on him regularly. For those who is "passive and quiet", ask them to speak out their thought and CONVINCE them that it's allright to be wrong so that they will gain a little boost in their morale. The talkative type could be easily be overpowered by politely cutting into his words politely and agreeing to what he said but with a proper addition from your opinion. When they start to shut up, you have to take control and never let them to take over the situation again.
The arrogant type is the most hard person to deal with. When they said they want it black, then they really want it black. The ebst way to deal with them is to listen and then discuss their opinion. Even if the team main strategy doesn't suit his plan, at least take something from him that WON'T hurt the team. By doing that, he will feel that the team listen to him and thus, giving his best for the team. Lastly, the most important thing in a team is for it to WORK as a TEAM.
Posted by IFTiTaH at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year!!!
Oh!!!! I am so fucked up!!! Internet in UTM almost non existence! i have to go CC to online.. what a sad thing to do (T^T) Recently students are busy online-ing in the library and used all the available bandwith, which makes it impossible for me to online at all, but still, there's always alternatives route! ho ho ho~
31th December 2007, I went to KLCC with my frens and get saparated when we were about to enter KLCC.. the guards are closing all d entrance, wat the ..... But then, I met Qiqi and Jiaying! Oh.. They are still like before.. but what with that sexy outfit? beats me.. :p
But still, my frens n i manage to barely get into KLCC by using CAR PARK!!! and swithing lift twice, i am glad cos god give me this genius brain for me to think of a way to sneak into KLCC.. hohoho! We decided to watch WARLORDS at 11.30p.m and not gonna celebrate it outside KLCC cos there's lotsa INDON, they r so noisy n annoying to the max, i tried to tolerate them but there's too many of them to be tolerated, so, i dun give a damn about them!
Urgh.. when the movie almost started, i called my gf.. so hard to reached out! the line was busy and when i get her, I can barely listen to her.. i feel so sad.. after we talk for a while, i terminated the line and decided to call her at 12.59 p.m.. i tries to send sms to my fren but it kept on FAILING!!! omg!! i had to try to send about 10 times per sms, then only it could b sent.. bcos of this..bcos of this, my gf and i had a little fite cos of misunderstanding caused by this situation.. i'm glad cos i din have a short temper... and we manage to solve that misunderstanding shortly.. i feel so relief and yet so happy!
After that WARLORDS, we went to WANGSA MAJU and play in TBUN until 10 a.m in the morning the next day.. well, that's how i celebrate my new year though but i still happy cos i said "happy new year" to ym gf 1st out of all people (^o^)
Posted by IFTiTaH at 9:28 PM 0 comments